If you have uneven teeth, gaps, spaces, or other flaws in your smile, we can enhance your smile with porcelain veneers. Dr. Augusto Fojas offers cosmetic dentistry services at our practice and will create a customized treatment plan to beautify your smile. Patients can enjoy both aesthetic and overall dental health benefits with porcelain veneers.
Porcelain veneers can correct a number of issues, such as damaged, stained or slightly gapped teeth. They are an attractive cosmetic option because there is no need for extensive treatments to achieve drastic results. Patients can look forward to a more attractive smile in just a few appointments.
Porcelain veneers are an attractive option for many patients who are self-conscious about their smile. We can place veneers on any tooth and the final result is very natural. Porcelain veneers are very thin, shell-like coverings that are bonded over the tooth and shaped just like the natural tooth underneath. Dr. Fojas has extensive experience creating veneers that look and feel very natural. It’s important to note that veneers cannot restore a weakened or severely damaged tooth. However, it can strengthen a slightly damaged tooth so the tooth lasts longer.
Many patients report feeling more confident after getting veneers because they no longer need to hide their smile. Porcelain veneers can give you a beautiful smile and are designed to last for years. Whether you have severe tooth discoloration, chipped teeth, or slightly damaged teeth, we can design a set of veneers that will give you the picture-perfect smile you’ve always wanted.
Find out if porcelain veneers are right for you. Schedule your cosmetic dentistry consultation with Dr. Fojas today.
Augusto S. Fojas, DDS
387 County Line Rd W #125
Westerville, OH 43082